This article outlines how you can request more storage for OneDrive and tips you can take to help cut down your storage.
So you hit your OneDrive's 50Gb storage limit and want more. That is a possibility however there are costs to the Church by increasing your OneDrive storage. We are working on implementing a backup solution, which costs by the amount of storage we have to backup.
There is also the administration hidden cost of going through for archival purposes, at some point someone will have to go through your OneDrive and trim it down so it can be stored in Archives. But they might go through that whole process of trimming down your OneDrive and find nothing of value to keep. The other problem facing I.T. is when someone leaves and we have to designate someone else to take over your OneDrive, that person then has the job of sifting through the files you stored there. The bigger your OneDrive account is the more effort it will take to deal with.
So before asking for more storage, please take a moment to clear out old files. This article shows how to use a tool to check what is eating up all your storage in OneDrive Helpdesk : The United Church of Canada there is more to deal with than just emptying the recycle bin.
If you already have done all that and still think you want more storage space please fill out this form. The form will start an approval process that will require sign off from you supervisor. If they approve you will be put on an exceptions list and given more space.
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