Summary: How to sync some or all of your online OneDrive files to your local computer
Locate the OneDrive sync tool on your computer. It will be located in the bottom right corner of your windows screen close to where the date and time are.
Right click on the little blue cloud to bring up the OneDrive menu and go into settings. From there your OneDrive settings will pop out. Go to ACCOUNT and then locate the OneDrive - The United Church of Cananda and click on CHOOSE FOLDERS.
This will bring up the option to check off any or all folders currently in your online OneDrive account. In the example below I have set all of my folders to sync to my local computer. There is a check box to make it easier to do this called MAKE ALL FILES AVAILABLE. This will sync your entire OneDrive to your computer.
Or you can uncheck that and pick and choose which files to sync. Anything with a checkmark in the box will sync.
You can see the icon for OneDrive will change to this
Meaning it is copying all the files down to your computer. Depending on how many files you have this can take awhile to complete.
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