This article outlines the steps to update the client ID and security key.
The DAM library relies on several flows in order to accomplish its goals. You can determine which flow is failing by figuring out where the process is failing. For example, if you could NOT create a new upload folder, look at the UCCAssetMgmt - Create Upload Request Folder.
- UCCAssetMgmt - New Picture Processing
- UCCAssetMgmt - Create Upload Request Folder
- UCCAssetMgmt - Staging Photo Approval Process
- UCCAssetMgmt - Update Media Partner List from Parent
Most likely the issue is in the New Picture Processing flow as it relies on using keys that expire after 1 year and require manual intervention to update.
You will need to sign in as the FLOW account or have someone share it with you:
Steps to Update the Client ID and Secret Key
- Follow this resource to generate a new client id and secret:
- Add the following for title, domain etc. from the image below
- Click Generate next to Client ID and Secret
- When everything is filled in correctly click on CREATE
- If successful this will show you the output with the new client ID and client secret. Keep this screen open or copy the info and paste it you will need it in later steps
- Go to the site:
- Register the credentials generated above with SharePoint on the appinv.aspx page:
App ID should be the client ID copied from the previous step
Fill in the rest exactly as you see:
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" />
- Click CREATE
If successful, this will take you to the next screen which will ask if you want to TRUST this app. Click Yes or OK. This didn't work for me from the MediaLibrary site, so according to the documentation from Microsoft you can do this from the Admin center. It looks slightly different (blue buttons) but fill in the exact information above and trust this app.
Create a new secret in the keyvault with the secret from step 1:
More information is needed to flush this out
Update the UCCResizeImages Azure function's configuration setting with the URL to the keyvault secret.
More information is needed to flush this out
You must also update the application with the new client ID
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