This article includes links to videos and websites that show how to Onboard an individual to ChurchHub.
ChurchHub is a website where people in The United Church of Canada can log in, and do multiple functions, depending on their role. In order to access ChurchHub, the individual needs to be invited to ChurchHub, via an email. The process of inviting a person to ChurchHub is known as Onboarding to ChurchHub.
Onboarding to ChurchHub - Part1 - D365 configuration
Onboarding to ChurchHub - Part2 - After the Onboarding Flow has Completed
Supporting Documents:
How to Onboard User to ChurchHub by Protiviti
Additional documents from Protiviti
D365 Security Requirements for Onboarder:
D365 Permissions for Onboarder
If you have any problems with Onboarding Contacts to ChurchHub, please contact Jayne King or open a helpdesk ticket and we will investigate.
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