This article explains what a Lay Regional Representative does, an example of their profile in Dynamics 365, problems with the Lay Rep RC Connection Process, and the new process that eliminated this issue.
Each Regional Council has Lay people invited to Regional Council annual meetings. These Regional Representatives have voting rights, and are elected by the pastoral charges.
Previously, in Dynamics 365, Regional staff entered these people into Dynamics as a Connection between the Regional Council and the person. Here is an example of a Lay Rep RC
Problems with Lay Rep RC Connection Process:
This process required the pastoral charge to inform a regional council admin person, who could then update Dynamics with the Contact information.
Community of Faith (COF) Admin --> Regional Council Admin --> Updates Dynamics
This process works, however there are some problems:
- COF Admin doesn't see who's on the list for the Regions
- Regions do not know when COF removes person from the list, unless the COF Admin tells them.
It would be better if the COF Admin could put people on the Regional Council list directly, and could remove them as needed as well.
New Process: ChurchHub COF Role: Regional Representative
Using ChurchHub, the COF Admin can enter their Regional Representatives. The Regional Council staff can generate list of Regional Representatives from Dynamics. This way, the COF Admin can keep the list up to date, directly on ChurchHub. ChurchHub updates Dynamics, so the Regional Council admins can generate lists of Lay Reps from Dynamics.
Community of Faith (COF) Admin --> ChurchHub --> Updates Dynamics Regional Council Admin --> Generates list of Regional Reps from Dynamics
Here's a video on how COF Admins can add Regional Representatives on ChurchHub and how Regional Council Admins can generate a list of Regional Reps from Dynamics.
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